Kalcifer Kandari

Project Hub

Written by: Kalcifer Kandari
Date: 29 February 2016 20:03:07

Started a lot of projects in the past few years and not published much information on them, that is about to change. Here are summaries of some of the projects. Links will be added when articles on them are written.

  • A website engine in JavaScript, including the client, server, and data storage.
    There are some aspects to websites that are mildly annoying and by now should have been solved, such as pages shifting while loading, redundant information requests, and automatic loading but no automatic unloading. Small things that take a lot of effort to fix.
  • A computer game engine.
    Most computer games are in denial or inefficient. In denial because many do not present what is the case, such as ‘hit boxes’ being different from models, or using humanoid characters where the method of locomotion is not walking. They are inefficient because at the cost of scale they priorities excessive polygon counts for severely diminishing returns to enjoyment, or hold information of objects that cannot be seen or touched. Subtle things that take a lot of effort to fix, more about them in another post.
  • A highly modular application/operating system engine.
    Applications and operating systems are archaic. Applications are incredibly insecure, mostly custom written per application, and not crossplatform. Insecurity extends to operating systems, where applications are rarely properly sandboxed and have almost unlimited power in the system. Users should have complete control of what the operating system, and applications do on a code-level. These are all major problems that take a lot of effort to fix, more about them in another post that will go into more detail on operating system and application abstraction layers.
  • A hybrid 3D comic/animation series.
    Movies and books often completely void the concept of tension and suspense by having immortal protagonists, and clichés that telegraph what’s next. Many glorify violence and battle without ever touching on the brutal consequences, and overlook basic concepts such as anything being possible at any time, and there being no laws but the laws of physics. More about a work that seeks not to fall to these flaws in another post.
  • A topological data redistribution library.
    Decimating and interpolating surfaces in a meaningful way is not currently done well. It’s slow, inconsistent, and ineffective, especially on large amounts of data. These problems, and a solution, will be covered in another post, and until then here is a sample, some work done to convert an equirectangular digital elevation model (DEM) to a Dymaxion DEM.
  • A book.
    More on the flaws of movies and books, making up for the disappointment of super heroes and villains and their consequences, and the oversight of their powers. More about this in another post.
  • A method of writing.
    The discontinuities and downfalls of many works of entertainment can be corrected by a thorough, and technical method of writing, which applies to all medium, from books to story-driven computer games. This will be detailed in another post.

Thanks for reading!

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